Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The creative spark

The creative spark

Architecture is a creative field as they say. Right? But is creativity something which can be taught, imparted or copied?  Why in Architectural field things become comparative? Why some designed stations on same principles of design tend to be beautiful or bland?

The difference lies in the creative handling of design. Through creativity you can bring aesthetics in your designs. Through your creative inputs you can introduce a wow factor in your completed works. Through creativity you can make your stations stand apart from others, while the function served remains the same.

So how does this creativity happens? If this cannot be taught there must be some way to master it. In colleges and at work you are trained to handle techniques, understand principles, learn design basics and practice assignments. But from where comes the creativity? I try to answer this but I may not be perfect....

First of all creativity is personal trait.

Secondly you need to nurture and develop it on your own.

For creativity you need to take risks, do experiment and trials.

For creativity you must be able to appreciate the uniqueness of ideas.

For creativity your observation power and retention of experience as sub conscious mental database is needed.

For creativity you have to think from within, from your heart and listen to your hunches.

For creativity your vision needs to categorise your sights into aesthetical grading.

Lastly and more important is that you must have a creative spark within you. This creative spark comes from your introspection and mental thought process igniting the creative process within. For this practice is needed in sort of meditative way. This creative spark happens when your mind is free and your body is at ease. Give youself sometime to find that required creative spark to start the process, to ignite a fire of new ideas and to create a mental picture of your designs.

Trust me, you do not require AutoCAD or photoshop for creativity but first you need this creative spark within you, more often with your eyes closed, away from external influences and deep inside your thoughts.

Satyakam Garg

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Most experienced and successful managers, be it in design or any other field tend to foresee the outcomes of their decisions in future. Today's breakthrus in science has now proven that the brain which is capable of  storing huge database of information if used in right way can yield some amazing futuristic predictions. This process is now called as Predictive Analytics

How it works? In terms of Architecture, the experience in dealing with number of situations and using your brain to store as a database of memories can be developed with practice. This requires dealing with things deeply, understanding reasons, outcomes and finally corelating the result with actions taken.  An experienced Architect will be able to recall his past experiences if memory is good and regular passion of doing the things on his own, and then apply his knowledge from the past to predict the future of things while he makes current decisions.

The predictive analytics process is based upon brain's sorting and storing power for multiple threads of information in a way, that it can be recalled whenever a current situation has slightest reference to the information stored.

The process is now used by Artificial intelligence programmers to write softwares which can learn to predict outcomes based on data fed to softwares. One of the usage is being done in insurance industry and other in advertising line. Similarly an Architect based upon his experiences, observations can predict how a completed project will come out.

Observe, understand, memorise your experiences with an aim to remember and recall details for better future outcomes. The skill needs to be developed and your concentration with retaining power is the key.