Friday 7 December 2018

Taking short and simple Notes

The human recalling power is rapidly dropping because we are getting used to gadgets and IT. The mobile version of internet gives a small window to peep into information at an instant but recalling that information is difficult through memory.

As Architects our designs are based upon our ability to recall unless you are copying a design from softcopy. As designing is very personal and creative process, recalling ability helps you to validate with codes and required calculations. Taking simple notes while you study the requirements and refer codes help you in recalling the requisites when you sit for designing. Here are some tips in creating short notes.

1. Write a 4 or 5 words easy title of context.
2. Note down keywords of context.
3. Note down clauses references.
4. Put simple sketch in form of doodles.

All above you shall do in your handwriting and this will boost your recalling power. Try compiling your notes into custom reference document if you feel that in future it will be needed more often. (Remember metro design check list I shared  earlier?)

A perfect design is combination of imagination, vision, creativity and compliance. And notes will help you to recall things at right time. With practice these hand notes become mental notes and results pop up when you recall them.

Trust me your mind itself is much advanced than google. Use it more to process knowledge instead of more search !