Friday, 28 July 2017

5 Tips to manage Stress

Extreme work pressure is felt when your body starts manifestating it in form of disease. This is called stress !

Knowingly or often unknowingly we get into stressful situations... like:
1. Overcommittment and unable to keep the committment.
2. Overconfidence of moving the world, but in reality moving yourself you find difficult.
3. Overloaded with work makes your output faulty.
4. Overemphasis on small unimportant issues makes you miss the bigger picture
5. Oversmartness makes you take those wrong unethical steps.

The above is my analysis of how people get into work pressure situation.

Keeping things simple, working step by step in methodological way and practical foresight can keep you stress free.

Enjoy while working  and work while learning. Always leave office on time and dont bring office in your personal time.