Sunday, 15 April 2018

The Sustainability of Neglected Hardship

What kind of sustainable existence we are looking for? Some questions which come to mind will shed light on the real issues. If you are reading this probably you are one of the blessed and lucky ones who are on top of pyramid.
1. Are we sure that the food we eat and waste, gets the growers a comfortable life full of basic needs?
2. Why the poor labourers building our metros and luxury homes have no roof of their own?
3. For every diamond and gold ornament worn by us, there is large scale exploitation of miners who toil hard in heat and dust just to make their ends meet.
4. Every glass of mineral water we consume comes at the cost of safe drinking water unavailable to poors, whose water bodies we are polluting with waste discharges.

We keep on making new roads, new metros and new cities. We keep on increasing our comforts, but somewhere some place somebody is affected for our increased consumerism. Our life has become so fast in pursuit of selfish comforts that it is now snatching basic resourses from others. And at the same pace piles and piles of waste is being generated.

The world will be sustainable by caring and sharing. The tribal existence of ethnic groups from thousands of years have not damaged environment at all, compared to what civilised world has done in short time. This puts a question on its meaning of our approach to sustainability itself.
