Sunday, 25 November 2018

Put your heart in it

Contemporary workplaces in form of corporate culture is inducing stresses in people lives. What seems good in the begining starts fading into a stressful scenario where plastic smiles, competition and office politics start taking your energies away, making you just a machinery part. Your life, family, health and freedom is the cost you start paying for your job. Work becomes a burden.

My father, who is an highly active person in his retired life gave a mantra for a balanced life based on his experiences of being  in country's highest stressful jobs as secretary to Prime ministers of India. The mantra is "Put your heart in it or forget it".

So at workplace you work with your heart. Tasks are better handled when you put your heart in it. And learn start saying NO to the things which your heart does not accept. Your body and mind needs your inner permission to perform in harmony. If you work against your inner voice conflicts start within yourself first and then stress happens.

So work with your heart and leave everything else which your inner voice does not want you to do. There is no point in living a life full of hidden emotions, jealousy and stress. Listen to your heart, follow your internal peace and enjoy doing what you want to do.