Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Are you ready? The legal responsibility in time of pandemic.

Have you safeguarded your self and your business from the legal responsibility arising due to pandemic?

As an IOSH certified safety professional I can tell you that in most cases related to workers safety, the only thing which can protect you in case of an incident is your legal preparedness.

Goverment knows it well and the policies and guidelines which have been issued, transfer this responsibility to the employer.

1. Be careful in making any written correspondance to workers, which can be used later against you.
2. Prepare a safety plan for resuming operations.
3. Prepare checklist for compliances based on safety plan.
4. Keep a record of compliances signed by atleast two authorised persons.
5. Issue NCR if a compliance is deviated. Keep records of Action taken report and NCR closure. NCR means Non conformatory report.

Do the above seriously.
Safety First.
Precautions are necessary as well as proof of it.