Thursday, 17 August 2017

The great Architecture

While so called intellectuals see things differently, people and public see the things as they appear to naked eye. Thats what makes some buildings getting timeless fame for being Architectirally great.

Architectural journals and books talk about concepts, aesthetics and structural systems, while buildings which are listed as great Architecturally have been mainly functional ones which have stood against time. These are seven wonders of the world. Tajmahal, Mysore Palace and likes come in this category.

Can you think of one aspect what made them great?

I can think of 3...

1. These buildings have been massive impacting the public admiration by their sheer size. All great Architecture well known to normal public is massive. Big size meant domination. These building have dominated the comparative admiration by their size.

2. Artistically impressive. History provides us evidence that Art has been always man's way of impressing others. Art was promoted on massive buildings mainly as part of building structure itself. Art on buildings also manifested social structure of those times in a grand way, again to hold the viewer mesmerised by the beauty. Konark temple, Khajuraho, West Minister abbey and like are still most photographed buildings.

3. Permanency
This is one of the main reasons for buildings which have stood against time are in list of great Architecture. Without computers or technical colleges, builders of these great buildings knew what specifications to use to build such structures.

Whether Qutub minar or Pyramids, not so much of functional building for their purpose, but get worldwide tourists to visit them. They have all 3 aspects of being great.

We do metros, while aspect 1 is not so important in contemporary world, Architects and Engineers are overlooking other 2 aspects. Even  very few Architects are aware of or able to generate performance based specifications. Art part is pasted upon not engineered.

Think of it. Are we even capable of what our historical counterpart could do.

Above thoughts occured to me some 28000 feet above in the sky on flight to Delhi, inspired by a tourism advert in flight magazine.