Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Change Management

Handling Changes

Change is the only constant in life.. they say!

Well for Architects the changes could be more dreadful. There is a way to handle the same. This is called change management.

First let us understand what causes changes. Some main reasons:
1. Deficient design
2. Incorrect design
3. Non coordinated design
4. Design not done as per site context.
5. Unfeasable design not as per tender or clients requirements.
6. Site issues during construction.
7. Preferential changes needed by client at later stage.
8. Unforeseen influences by Authorities on construction.
9. Mistakes made by contractor
10. Modifications by other stakeholders.

If the change falls in 1 to 5 above it is due to consultants neglect.

Changes falling in 6 to 10  are beyond control of consultant.

What we just established above is the reason or triggers for changes. Thats the first thing to record for change management.

Then comes who and why? Fixing responsibility of triggering the change and necessity to carry out the same.

Impact assessment comes next which include costs, time and abortive works analysis to carry out the change.

Lastly the focus shall be on action taken plan and mitigation measures to reduce impacts.

Changes handled in right way with proper planning and approach means more money to consultants unless the original design was deficient.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

रोज़ का सफरनामा

जैसे जैसे मेट्रो रोज़ाना की ज़िंदगी में हमारा हिस्सा बन रही है, वहीं ज़िन्दगी के इस सफरनुमा दौर में कुछ ऐसा भी है, जो प्लान नही किया गया था। समझाता हूँ --

मुम्बई में जब लोकल ट्रेन स्टेशन से बाहर कदम पड़ते हैं तो आदमी अपनी रोज़ की जरूरत का हर सामान पटरी विक्रेताओं खरीद सकता है। वड़ा पाव, पर्स, बेल्ट, जूते जाने क्या क्या नही बिकता।

कनॉट प्लेस या राजीव चौक के स्टेशन पर उतरो तो टी शर्ट, चश्मे, जैकेट, मोबाइल एक्सेसरीज आपको अपनी और खिंचती हैं।

पटेल चौक स्टेशन के पास रोज़मर्रा की छोटी छोटी चीज़े जैसे जुराब, रुमाल, स्क्रू ड्राइवर सेट वगैरह बिकते मिलते हैं।

जनता की ज़िंदगी का हिस्सा हैं ये सब। और एक अनकहा सा जुड़ाव होता है आम आदमी का इनसे रोज़ाना के सफर के दौरान।

सिगरेट की टपरी, पानी की मशीन, चाय की दुकान, पान वाला, नीम्बू पानी शिकंजवी एक सुख का अहसास कराते हैं इस सफर में।

दुनिया का हर शहर जहां पर्यटक जाते है, इस एक बुनियादी ज़रूरत का सबूत मिलता है।

लेकिन हम इसे प्लान नही करते। हमारे बनाये नक्शों में नही होता ये सब। प्रॉपर्टी डेवलपमेंट तो करेंगे लेकिन अपने वास्ते, लोगो के वास्ते नही। हमसे अच्छा एक पुलिस वाला है, लोगो की ज़रूरत समझता है। हफ्ता लेकर बैठा देता है पटरी पर इन लोगों को। ज़रूरी तो है, पर क्यों नही प्लान किया इसे कोई नही जानना चाहता। साइट कॉन्टेस्ट, अर्बन फैब्रिक, लैंडस्केप जोन जैसे बड़े बड़े शब्द तो हैं लेकिन ये छोटी छोटी ज़रूरत की जगह नही है।

कभी कोई गांव से अपने बच्चे को मेट्रो दिखाने लाये और बच्चे को छोटा सा चाबी से चलने वाला खिलौना दिला सके एक नियोजित वेंडिंग जोन से तो शायद वो प्लानिंग सार्थक होगी।

गौर कीजियेगा ।।

Monday, 4 December 2017

Success and Integrity

Recognising the right people in your path of success.

At work front we meet many people, work with some and deal with others. For a successful venture integrity of team members, coworkers etc. is of utmost importance. Over the years working on many projects internationally I have found some trade trends how people behave and what you can learn from that. Some observations.

1. People who are honest and tell on your face what they think of a given situation are the ones whom you should have long term association. They are actually helping you to know the right things.

2. Never ever believe a person who keeps you nagging with that he worked hard overtime despite his other committments. Such people want you to feel responsible for their actions and seek favours in return. In this world everybody works for himself not for you.

3. People who change their words as the authority changes and act differently what they agreed with you, such people are opportunist liers and should be on your out list. These people will use you for their own benefit.

4. This is world of fast communication. People who do not answer calls or return calls related to work (repeated behaviour) shall be on your firing list. That tendency is with people who are hiding something, do not want to work or fear their failed committments. Even banks never give loans to such people as they find them untrustworthy.  When you find people failing to keep committments and then becoming non communicative such people shall lead you to failure. One more trait of such people is over rating themselves to seek opportunity and then hide like a ostrich once they are unable to deliver.

5. In todays fast world, the people who give you time, invest hours of sincere working (not pretending) and able to deliver as per instructions and agreement are the ones who should be given priority. The people who give you the real time are the ones who bring you success. Such people shall be promoted and taken care of as giving time is the best committment.

6. Never trust a person who talks wrong about a person in his absence. Such a person will talk wrong about you also behind your back. Such persons are to be ignored for good.

7. Be honest in your dealings with others. Be transparent and tell straight what you think truely. Make right committments and promises which you can keep. Remain truely conmunicative. The other person's reaction will tell you whether to trust him or not. Remember that your own integrity is the first step to success.

Satyakam Garg

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The creative spark

The creative spark

Architecture is a creative field as they say. Right? But is creativity something which can be taught, imparted or copied?  Why in Architectural field things become comparative? Why some designed stations on same principles of design tend to be beautiful or bland?

The difference lies in the creative handling of design. Through creativity you can bring aesthetics in your designs. Through your creative inputs you can introduce a wow factor in your completed works. Through creativity you can make your stations stand apart from others, while the function served remains the same.

So how does this creativity happens? If this cannot be taught there must be some way to master it. In colleges and at work you are trained to handle techniques, understand principles, learn design basics and practice assignments. But from where comes the creativity? I try to answer this but I may not be perfect....

First of all creativity is personal trait.

Secondly you need to nurture and develop it on your own.

For creativity you need to take risks, do experiment and trials.

For creativity you must be able to appreciate the uniqueness of ideas.

For creativity your observation power and retention of experience as sub conscious mental database is needed.

For creativity you have to think from within, from your heart and listen to your hunches.

For creativity your vision needs to categorise your sights into aesthetical grading.

Lastly and more important is that you must have a creative spark within you. This creative spark comes from your introspection and mental thought process igniting the creative process within. For this practice is needed in sort of meditative way. This creative spark happens when your mind is free and your body is at ease. Give youself sometime to find that required creative spark to start the process, to ignite a fire of new ideas and to create a mental picture of your designs.

Trust me, you do not require AutoCAD or photoshop for creativity but first you need this creative spark within you, more often with your eyes closed, away from external influences and deep inside your thoughts.

Satyakam Garg

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Most experienced and successful managers, be it in design or any other field tend to foresee the outcomes of their decisions in future. Today's breakthrus in science has now proven that the brain which is capable of  storing huge database of information if used in right way can yield some amazing futuristic predictions. This process is now called as Predictive Analytics

How it works? In terms of Architecture, the experience in dealing with number of situations and using your brain to store as a database of memories can be developed with practice. This requires dealing with things deeply, understanding reasons, outcomes and finally corelating the result with actions taken.  An experienced Architect will be able to recall his past experiences if memory is good and regular passion of doing the things on his own, and then apply his knowledge from the past to predict the future of things while he makes current decisions.

The predictive analytics process is based upon brain's sorting and storing power for multiple threads of information in a way, that it can be recalled whenever a current situation has slightest reference to the information stored.

The process is now used by Artificial intelligence programmers to write softwares which can learn to predict outcomes based on data fed to softwares. One of the usage is being done in insurance industry and other in advertising line. Similarly an Architect based upon his experiences, observations can predict how a completed project will come out.

Observe, understand, memorise your experiences with an aim to remember and recall details for better future outcomes. The skill needs to be developed and your concentration with retaining power is the key.

Friday, 29 September 2017

Elephinston Road Tragedy - Core issues

Coming to Elephinston Road tragedy and having faced one such instance in Andheri in 2010, my own personal observations are listed below.

1. A footbridge was much lesser in width than required by egress calculations.

2. Though Railways shall be revalidating the egress facilities every 5 years based on traffic demand as per code, I dont think anybody ever bothered to check these from age old times.

3. Country's financial capital does not find it necessary to have trained evacuation personnel or proper PA system coverage to guide commuters.

4. There is no proof that somebody has tried to check station sizing ever for increased load. All we see more longer trains and more crowd, but space increase.

5. Lastly I blame the public. Somedays ago same public was sending messages on social media for spirit of Mumbaikar in rains. Today same public ran on the bodies of their own kind. Such public can create havoc in any place. Crowd management is poor in country. Stampedes like these show the animal behaviour of the public which is due to lack of right social education even in our best of schools.

Public blames govt. Govt. is by public. Public governs. Same public is in railways, same public is in govt and same public does the construction and management of public facilities.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Life's Lessons from Flooring

Life's Lesson from Flooring

Looking at some flooring drawings, a thought flashed thru my mind. Technically speaking floorings in large areas like metros need to be treated with care. This is required in view of long life of flooring and making it damage proof. And I found a life's lesson hidden in this technicality.

If you want the flooring to last long given below are some qualities for selection of flooring material.
1. Good abrasive resistant
2. High impermeability
3. Good strength
4. Good visual appearance

A flooring material in public place like metro shall have good abrasive resistance i.e. ability to withstand high traffic without getting scratched. This property imparts a long lasting sheen on flooring without dust generation. _In life also you have to be resistant to when people try to trample you. You shall not let circumstances or others wrong treatment affect you._

High impermeability means resistant to stains, almost nil absorption of staining materials. This property does not allow flooring to appear poor with bad stains and makes it easily cleanable. _In life also one should be careful not to let the bad company or dishonesty malign your image with stains of sinful acts_

Good strength of flooring is needed to take the heavy loads and impacts. A brittle flooring which can break easily is of no use. Only a strong flooring material can withstand heavy traffic load and remain intact. _In life also one shall have strong moral character so that one does not give away under pressure_

Good visual appearance requires the flooring material to welcome the public by its aesthetical appeal. The flooring shall be charming and blend with overall harmony. _In life also one has to keep smiling while dealing with others. An open and charming outlook is more receptive and increases social acceptance_

The fifth quality which I have not listed above is very important and I am sad to tell you that Architects are ignoring it. Most of them being unaware of its importance. This is called as Flexibility provision. Large flooring finishes applications require margins of flexibility which is provided in form of movement joints.*In metros due to train vibrations or temperature based expansion / contraction movement joints shall be provided normally at 8m distances. This allows flooring to adjust without breaking the panels. These are different from expansion joints in structure. You can see these in MC1A metro and T3 Airport at Delhi.

_And my friend in life also you need to flexible as well, even if you are very strong and charming. Unnecessary rude attitude without any margin of adjustment with others is only going to break your own self._

*Try looking at things differently - there is always something out there to learn*
🙏🏽Satyakam Garg

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

The Unforeseen Element

The Unforeseen Elements

Some years ago I was designing Dubai Outlet Mall, 20 Lac sq.ft. development in middle of the desert some 15kms away from Dubai. In Dubai, the Architect has to work to guidelines of Dubai Municipality and Dubai Electric & water authority. I was worried a lot that how in this desert my project will get these utility connections. So I took an appointment and met department officials. And my worries were gone.

I saw that they had planned and provided along the main road underground utility corridors below footpath and at regular intervals they had provided hume pipes crossings across the road. Based on my proposal, the official marked the nearest crossing and provided me locations of utility connection chambers. My job was done.

And this is what I call designing for unforeseen.

On the contrast we see our roads and pavements regularly digged for cables and pipes laying. This not only becomes hazardous, it makes our cities unsuitable for disabled wheelchair users besides being an eyesore everywhere. Similarly in metro stations you will find wires and pipes being installed in unplanned manner defacing aesthetics and uneven floors.

This could have been avoided by just making a suitable provision by embedding routing provisions for future.

For example, we do it for AFC gates provision but we forget about Xray scanners. Nobody designs or leave extra pipes or conduits for future provision so that no disruption happens.

Technological changes may require retrofitting or refurbishing in future. A 5℅ extra provision for such future services will not affect the project financially, but will be economical in long term. Architects shall ask their MEP designers to ensure that they take a margin for the unforeseen. Afterall we have to design for India's future.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Climate change and its impact on metro design

If you have followed today's news of Chandigarh getting flooded with floating cars only within 3 hours of rains, you will realise that we are seeing a change in weather pattern and metros are also affected by it.

Normally, metros are designed for highest flood level recorded and average rain fall of a particular place.

Architects in most cases leave all this to plumbing designer. But this year itself reports from various metros in country established that all is not right. Across the country many stations were flooded and leakages damaged critical installations in many cases.

I did a study of plumbing design of some cases. Infact I asked one of trainees with me to help me carry out the design from scratch for an elevated station and when we compared it to actual provisions done on some stations in country, results were shocking.

As a strategy, in line with IGBC requirements, we modelled the design from rainwater collection to rainwater harvesting. And a summary of the same is given below for all of you to check and consider in designs.
1. Inadequate provision of stormwater drainage on stations.
2. Violation of National Building Code - part 2, clause 4.5.11. There is detailed requirements given here for storm water drainage.

3. Violation of code of practice for  fixing rainwater gutters and downpipe for roof drainage IS: 2527.

My advise to Architects is to atleast once read through these above references. Trust me you will realise that things can be made better if you knew about these.

For example as per code every 90 degree bend makes efficiency of a rainwater pipe lesser by 25%, which means that if you provide 2 bends in a RWP you are going to need double the number of downtake pipes.

Hope you find this advise useful and utilise the knowledge for better coordination and checks with plumbing design.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

The Original Architect

Not so long ago, an Architect was overall controller of design.

With megastructure projects like metros came so many Architects on same project. DDC Architect, Clients Architect, GC Architect and Contractors Architect. Not only each stakeholder has an Architect but a team of Architects.

It is an irony that the original Architect gets to spend lesser time in churning out the designs, while all others so called reviewer Architects spend more time in finding faults. Which defeats the purpose actually.

I trust with my heart, that the original creator Architect of designs is at disadvantage over here. In my practice I have seen many people falsely claiming that they have designed the metro. They write it in their CVs.

It is to be remembered that the Architect who has conceptualised, prepared the design basis and visualised the first space allocation remains the Original Architect. And in my view he or she is the only one entitled to be called as Architect of the project. Rest all are mere design facilitators, suggestors, reviewers or in worst cases problem makers. Even a fancy designation like that of mine i.e. Chief Architectural Expert of GC, does not undermines the importance of original Architect.

In todays metro design scenario it is important that others respect the original Architect and try to facilitate the designs as fast as possible. To err is human and even a reviewer is not free of making mistakes.

Recently as this trend of multiple Architects has picked up, clients have noticed the delays happening due to such clashes in name of review and comments, whereas actually Architects other than the original one have been kept to expedite error free design deliveries. On some projects such trouble makers have been removed also.

My own personal thinking is that the originator of designs and reviewers are required to work hand in hand for a timely project completion.

Luckily for me my projects have finished on time or before time and in most cases I was not the Original Architect.

I have seen in my life wierd ideas developing into master landmarks and I never underestimate the power of original designer.

The Empty Boat

This I read a long time ago in a book by Osho. The story tells about a general behaviour of humans. I got inspired to share it with seeing beautiful message sent by Anjali.

So the story goes..  Imagine you are at a beautiful lake and decide to take a boat ride. You rent a boat, pick up the oars and setout to explore the nature around and enjoy the blue waters of the lake. While you are enjoying the boating, a stray boat without anyone sitting in it, is drifted by water currents and hits you. What do you do? You smile and gently shove the other empty boat to a side and continue with your ride. You are at total peace.

Now imagine the second scenario instead of first one. This time you see another boat with a man rowing it, coming towards your boat.  You become alarmed and start shouting -- "Abe saale marega kya... iye takkar ho jaaegi.. andha ho gaya kya...."  Even if the other boat hasn't still hit yours. In case it made a hit, a quarell follows you and other blaming each other.

So the story is now over. But what have we learnt?

The beautiful lake and scenery is your life god has given you. The boat ride indicates your experience and existence in this beautiful life. The boats represent your physical being the body. The drifting boat represents events not under our control. And the boatmen are the individual EGOS.

It is the ego when present creates the conflict. It is the ego which gives birth to your own fears. It is your own ego which makes you behave in a particular way. It is your own ego which affects your vision and intellect. And it is your own behaviour and own ego which is responsible for your condition.

For being a better human the ego has to be done away with, like an EMPTY BOAT. You are then ready to enjoy life as it is.

The great Architecture

While so called intellectuals see things differently, people and public see the things as they appear to naked eye. Thats what makes some buildings getting timeless fame for being Architectirally great.

Architectural journals and books talk about concepts, aesthetics and structural systems, while buildings which are listed as great Architecturally have been mainly functional ones which have stood against time. These are seven wonders of the world. Tajmahal, Mysore Palace and likes come in this category.

Can you think of one aspect what made them great?

I can think of 3...

1. These buildings have been massive impacting the public admiration by their sheer size. All great Architecture well known to normal public is massive. Big size meant domination. These building have dominated the comparative admiration by their size.

2. Artistically impressive. History provides us evidence that Art has been always man's way of impressing others. Art was promoted on massive buildings mainly as part of building structure itself. Art on buildings also manifested social structure of those times in a grand way, again to hold the viewer mesmerised by the beauty. Konark temple, Khajuraho, West Minister abbey and like are still most photographed buildings.

3. Permanency
This is one of the main reasons for buildings which have stood against time are in list of great Architecture. Without computers or technical colleges, builders of these great buildings knew what specifications to use to build such structures.

Whether Qutub minar or Pyramids, not so much of functional building for their purpose, but get worldwide tourists to visit them. They have all 3 aspects of being great.

We do metros, while aspect 1 is not so important in contemporary world, Architects and Engineers are overlooking other 2 aspects. Even  very few Architects are aware of or able to generate performance based specifications. Art part is pasted upon not engineered.

Think of it. Are we even capable of what our historical counterpart could do.

Above thoughts occured to me some 28000 feet above in the sky on flight to Delhi, inspired by a tourism advert in flight magazine.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Planning tools for excellence

I was one of the first person to setup the Lucknow Metro GC office. We started when first part consisting of 8 stations was 45℅ complete and things were disorganised. The new GC had limited resources and no office space to start with. Project was moving with fast pace to break all records of the metro history. I had the challenge of setting up a management system and I did it on my personal laptop and my own webspace. The system is currently fully functional and backbone of GC's operations. We call it PMIS system and it was featured in Ace Update magazine last year.

*But what made me develop it?*
Coming from a trained and desciplined background with international experience on projects, I knew instantly that it will be difficult to handle a project like Lucknow Metro without a proper system. I applied my educational trainings from MBA in construction management and my six sigma certification to develop the PMIS system. Made it simple enough for office core team secretaries to use this with least training and made it secure enough so that quality is not  compromised.

To users these seem to be simple set of excel sheets. But the idea behind them had a deep methodology of subsystem called as DMAIC.

DMAIC means Define, Measure, analyse, improve and Control. I defined all the processes, made them measurable, created them in a format which could be analysed, results are used to improve productivity and control.

And I used zero cost to build it (except my working cost to company and net usage). The system is better than Aconex (Commercial software service costing upwards of Rs. 5 lacs per month) as far as analysis and control is concerned.

Remember when we talk of quality it is comparative. For comparison you need to analyse things. For analysis you need to measure it. To measure it you need to define parameters. By now I have developed and made money out of similar setups on many projects of Architectural and Non Architectural fields. And a new term for the same has been coined as well.

Welcome to *Construcinformation*


Satyakam Garg

Friday, 28 July 2017

India's first Mobile ticketing on metro

5 Tips to manage Stress

Extreme work pressure is felt when your body starts manifestating it in form of disease. This is called stress !

Knowingly or often unknowingly we get into stressful situations... like:
1. Overcommittment and unable to keep the committment.
2. Overconfidence of moving the world, but in reality moving yourself you find difficult.
3. Overloaded with work makes your output faulty.
4. Overemphasis on small unimportant issues makes you miss the bigger picture
5. Oversmartness makes you take those wrong unethical steps.

The above is my analysis of how people get into work pressure situation.

Keeping things simple, working step by step in methodological way and practical foresight can keep you stress free.

Enjoy while working  and work while learning. Always leave office on time and dont bring office in your personal time.

Sharpen your Saw

Sharpen your saw!

Working on many metros internationally, I have learnt that it is important to sharpen your saw. Let us understand it.

A saw is a tool for cutting wood used by carpenters. Have you ever handled one? When you try using it first time, even with a brand new saw it is difficult to cut the wood first time. You need to know the technique and then practice doing that. And you are able to cut the wood smoothly after that.

Well you can expect the similar on your first job as an Architect. You had already spent 5 to 7 years doing B.Arch and masters. You need to know techniques at job front and practice the same.

You understood the above, I am sure. Practice makes a man perfect.. the saying goes.

And you become experienced as the time passes. You are doing things at regular basis now. You have cut a lot of wood. You are now seeked for your experience.

But hold on... Are you sure you learnt the right technique? This is very important to know. May be you have been doing things in a wrong way without even knowing it. And you thought that you are experienced. The practice of doing things wrong has now become your mindset.  Sometimes you fail to see others doing it right, since your mind is conditioned by long time of wrong practice.

And that's where you need to sharpen your saw. A long misuse has made the saw blunt... a mindset which is now blocked. You have not realised but you do not cut wood faster even after practice since the saw is blunt. A blocked mindset stalls your skillset aquisition affecting your real progress.

A good carpenter will always sharpen his saw on regular basis so that he can cut wood faster and smoother. Same is with your mindset. One has to see where the saw teeth are blunt... that is finding your own shortcomings. Then you need to start sharpening the saw. Acquire new knowledge to improve your way of working. Honing your skillset to increase your productivity. Learn new ways to enhance your scope of works.

Remember that in life, only you can sharpen your own saw. Every moment is there to learn... to make the saw sharper.

Give time to yourself for self appraisal. Check yourself whether you can really do things better. Accept where you have been wrong... find that blunt teeth of the saw.

Trust me with a sharper and ready mindset your own life will be smoother. So dont let your saw go blunt. Sharpen it on regular basis.

by Satyakam Garg.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Codal Compliance Check list for Metro Stations Design
Here you can download the station design codal compliance checklist as per NBC - 2016