Wednesday, 7 March 2018

My way or Highway Situation

Got this query from a DDC Architect which is self exlpanatory.

"There are many times when things are out of our control. And Client wants to work in particular way and want everything his/her way. He shows The attitude of my way or the highway every time. And you are forced to accept that let's do his/her way and finish it. Then in this situation how to keep yourself motivated to work daily?"

My response to the same:
1. Well, I face this everyday myself and open to suggestions by others.

2. Possible reasons why clients do it in metro sector:-
2.a. Client side is smarter than you, more competent and knows that things can be made better by revising. Client needs faster execution at site and expects constructible designs.
2.b. Client side is biased against you due to professional rivalary and wants you to give up.
2.c. Client side is incompetent, got his/her job without merit but misuses power. Will not take responsibility of his/her actions.
2.d. Client side is trying to delay the project to ensure their jobs for a longer duration tenure.

Now if the case is as per 2.a above, you need to understand clients requirements once again in details, take notes and discuss with your seniors how best to deliver. Try to get an agreement with client on things to be revised before you carry out the works. A good professional client may also give you variation for preferential changes.

However if the case falls in 2.b to 2.d, stop dancing to clients' tunes. Make a record of things which you feel are not alright and put across to client in writing that you disagree with professional reasons. Put responsibility on the person with time and costs impacts and ask his/her reconfirmation to continue. If problem remains unanswered with verbal instructions only, keep sending 2 reminders and finally a delays claim to higher authority with backup correspondence. You may need support of your higher management.

This problem is becoming more and more on many metro projects and we all know the reasons. At times problem creaters needs to be exposed by naming and shaming them. There shall be no fear in a true professional to remove obstacles in path of nation's progress. Do your best, make records and do not accept unnecessary attitude.

Here since metro projects are govt. based and client side actually means responsible persons / private bodies appointed by govt. for project.

Also in worst case it is better to be on highway as it leads to many more ways rather than getting stuck with a dumb head client. Whoever wants myway need to take the responsibility.