We talked about imagination last. We talked how creativity is driven by imagination. There is something above both which is called VISION.
Often we hear of the word and context of Great Visionaries. Often leaders are associated with visionary word. Whether a visionary needs to be imaginative and creative?
No, not necessarily. But a visionary is able to look into the future and takes steps to make his vision a reality. What ordinary people's eyes cannot see, a visionary is able to make that happen.
Having capability as a visionary is a personal trait. Cannot be taught but needs to be developed through self introspection.
For Architects the clients gives requirements and gets a design in return. We write - Issued for clients approval. Architects seek approval on their creativity and imagination sometimes from a client who is not an expert in both. But still we seek the approval and keep changing things till the time client approves.
Client only approves once he thinks that the designs are in line with his vision. And thats the truth we must accept.
A fine Architect is able to read client's mind and becomes part of client's vision. He is able to channelise the things to suit clients ideas and able to produce a synopsis in form of Vision statement. So understand the vision first and then work to it.
How thats done I will tell in my next write up.